We need your help reaching out to consumers on home IV nutrition and tube feeding.
Consumers/Family Members
Tell your clinician/homecare company about Oley’s programs. Connect them to Oley.org
Ask permission to leave Oley information in your physician’s/hospital’s waiting room.
Tell other consumers you meet in the waiting room or hospital about Oley programs.
Show the Oley Foundation links to our webinars at your homecare company, hospital or doctor’s office.
Distribute Oley conference materials (Save the Dates flyer, registration brochure) in your
physician’s or hospital’s waiting room.
(Brochures and flyers currently being created)
Tell your patients about Oley’s FREE programs. They may need to hear about Oley more than once.
Sign up your patients for Oley’s FREE programs. Connect patients overwhelmed by their therapy with experienced patients to support them.
Include an Oley promotional slide in your PowerPoint presentations. This is a great way to introduce/remind your colleagues about Oley’s FREE programs.
Tell everyone at work about Oley, so they can help spread the word to patients. Hand out the Oley flyer to your partners, staff, coworkers, and employees in other departments – especially discharge planners and visiting nurses.
Invite an Oley member to speak during an in-service for your colleagues/staff. (Contact info@oley.org or 518-262-5079 for details.)
Distribute Oley Conference materials (Save the Dates flyer, registration brochure) to your patients and display them in your waiting room.
Industry Representatives
Tell everyone you work with about Oley, so they can help spread the word to patients.
Incorporate information about Oley and its programs in your educational materials and product packaging. (Contact info@oley.org or 518-262-5079 for details.)
Distribute Oley materials (Save the Dates flyer, registration brochure) in your home deliveries or with your product.
Invite an Oley member to speak at your sales or staff meeting. (Contact info@oley.org or 518-262-5079 for details.)
Updated 10/21/24